Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - Asahina Mikuru
Scale: 1/8
MSRP: ¥4800
released: 2007/05
my eye on this for a while, and snagged one off Mandarake for 1500jpy,
which came out to roughly $30 after shipping fees and stuff. This was
actually my first time buying from mandarake.
Box was obviously beat up a bit. got it used after all.
I'm surprised balance isn't a problem with this figure, her pose has her leaning a lot to the side.
I noticed there are some parts of her hair that didn't get painted properly in some corners, but it's not that noticeable.
All around nice quality.
there was a bit of a black streak mark thing on her leg (it was a used
fig) but outside of really bright light it's not that noticeable.
probably one of the reasons it was so cheap. This is something that goes
for around $70 on ebay after all.
This is a darn nice figure, it's no wonder it's so popular.
yeah, trying out a new background and some new stuff with photo
editing. I'm always experimenting to try and get better looking photos.
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